Official Statement: Expanded telehealth services are vital in successful wound care outcomes

Telehealth is transforming wound healing by enabling at-home patient care and collaboration with caregivers, reducing the need for follow-up visits or emergency care. Rebirth Advanced Healing supports the passage of the following three bills in Congress.

  • S.2016 CONNECT for Health Care of 2023 expands Medicare telehealth coverage by permanently removing geographic restrictions, allowing beneficiaries’ homes as originating sites, and permitting rural health centers to serve as distant sites, while also enabling CMS to waive coverage restrictions during public health emergencies.
  • S.1636 Protecting Rural Telehealth Access Act expands Medicare telehealth coverage by permanently removing geographic restrictions, allowing beneficiaries’ homes as originating sites, permitting rural health centers to serve as distant sites, and adding coverage for audio-only services in evaluation, management, and behavioral health.

  • H.R. 7623 Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 extends key telehealth flexibilities from the COVID-19 public health emergency, including allowing rural health clinics and federally qualified health centers to serve as distant sites, permitting beneficiaries’ homes as originating sites for all services, and expanding telehealth service delivery to all types of practitioners as determined by CMS.



Rebirth Advanced Healing is a mobile wound care practice that utilizes personalized biologic wound care treatment to help patients with wounds heal safely and comfortably wherever they call home. Our certified wound care specialists include doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who are extensively trained and qualified to perform wound care treatments using biological products and advanced techniques.